Synodic Month (29.53058885 days) and Tropical Year (365.2421897 days) are fake!!!


The Gentile Grecian 19 – Year Luni Solar Cycle and 50 – Year Luni Solar Cycle beguiled the Jewish Nation to this very day through the Rabbis. So let’s restore 49 Years – Leviticus 25:8-9!

Latest Articles :

Ugadi and 1st Abib :  Scientific – Historical Evidence

9th April CE 2024 is not Ugadi and 17th April CE 2024 is not Sri Ram Navami: – According to the formula of the Hindu Calendar (60 – Year Luni Solar Cycle), Ugadi falls on 11th March CE 2024 and Sri Ram Navami falls on 19th March CE 2024. Panchang writers added Extra Month in CE 2023 (18th July to 16th Aug., CE 2023) according to their will even though it didn’t occur in CE 2023. That is why Ugadi occurred on 9th April and Sri Ram Navami occurred on 17th April CE 2024. According to the formula of the Hindu calendar, the actual 14th Extra Month will occur in CE 2025. None had calculated the 4 Yugas but I calculated the 4 YUGAS according to the formula of the Hindu Calendar. All Panchang writers and so-called geniuses (Mr. Nilesh Nilkanth Oak, Mr. Saradh Uphadyay, and so on) are misleading Hindus with inaccurate calculations. Moreover, the Hindu Calendar is not proven scientifically and Historically. Purva Panchang and Drik Panchang are not proven scientifically. For the complete picture and scientific proof, please study on the 12th page under 0b0 Omega – 1 and 0b0 Omega – 2 and “Were Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Rama, and Lord Krishna born scientifically or not?” on our website.    Scientific – Historical Evidence

WERE LORD JESUS CHRIST, LORD RAMA, AND LORD KRISHNA BORN SCIENTIFICALLY OR NOT? – The Jewish Messiah was born in Summer in Bethlehem in Israel on the Full Moon Day of Ethanim of 4235th Year or 15 – 1 – YB 4235 (10th November 1 BCE (At 9 PM, Wed.) – Matt. 2:1-5; Luke 1:1-38; 2:1-52; 3:1-23; 1 Chr. 24:1-19. Note: (1). 15 = 15th day; 1 = 1st Civil Month = Ethanim = 7th Religious Month; YB = Years counted from 6 PM on 23rd Feb., 4234 BCE, Tuesday (Date of the Creation of the Sun, Moon, and stars); 4235 = 4235th Year was going on. (2). Satan is misleading all Gentiles Worldwide that the Jewish Messiah was born on 25th December in the Winter (2 Corinthians 4:1-4; 11:1-15; 2:17; 1 Timothy 4:1-2 etc.). Summer occurred from August to December in Israel when Augustus ruled the World (Luke 2:1-7). The Jewish Messiah was Crucified in Winter in Israel before the Full Moon Day of Abib of 4267th Year (14 – 7 – YB 4267 = 13th May CE 33, Wed., at 9 AM) – Mark 15:25; Luke 22:1-20; John 18:18- 39. The Jewish Messiah was Resurrected in the Spring in Israel on 17th day of Abib of 4267th Year (17 – 7 – YB 4267 = 16th May CE 33, Sat., before 6 PM) – Matt. 12:38-40; 28:1, 16-17; 27:63-66; Luke 23:50-56; 24:6-21; 1 Cor. 15:1-11; Acts 4:27-28 etcetera.-  Read more

ASTRONOMERS AND RELIGIOUS LEADERS ARE MISLEADING THE WORLD TO THIS DAY – Basic Astronomy and all Religious Calendars come under 10th-class Mathematics. 10th-class Mathematics is enough to understand whose calculations are accurate and whose calculations are not accurate. Is not it true? –  DOWNLOAD FILE

IS IT NECESSARY TO CHANGE GOD’S NAME, RELIGION’S NAME, AND CASTE NAME??? – This is the greatest stumbling block in India. Forbidding ornaments is another Stumbling block (Gen. 35:1-4 = Exodus 33:1-6; Gen. 5:1-3; 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:1-6). Forbidding Cow’s meat is another stumbling block (1 Tim. 4:1-5). –  DOWNLOAD FILE

False Preachers Exposed – Satanic foundation originates with men through demons, is foreign to the Word of God, is inconsistent with the whole revelation of God, and leads to spiritual weakness and ungodly living. –  DOWNLOAD FILE

Shavuot Puzzle is Solved – The 50th day (Shavuot) is the puzzle to this very day. There is no need for confusion about the 50th day (Feast of First Fruits) henceforth. That’s why the Shavuot Puzzle (The Feast of Harvest) is solved now –  DOWNLOAD FILE

WHO ARE ISRAELIS, THE USA AND THE UK:  Yahweh promised the land of Canaan to Abraham, Issac, and Yacob forever (Genesis 12:1-3; 22:17; 26:1-; 28:14; Exodus 6:1-8). The USA is the Tribe of Manasseh according to the blessing of Yacob and the UK (Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as a part of South Africa) is the Tribe Ephraim. –  DOWNLOAD FILE

JEWISH ASTRONOMY :You can find the complete picture of Jewish Astronomy in this. Yahweh is not the author of confusion (Deut. 17:8-13; Luke 19:27; 1 Cor. 2:1-16; 3:18; 11:16; 13:10; 14:32-33). –  DOWNLOAD FILE

The Complete Picture of 6258th Year (AD 2023 – CE 2025): The 13th Extra Month occurred in January CE 2024. Adding Extra Month at the end of Adar month is the inspiration of the servants of Satan (1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Cor. 11:4, 13-15; Acts 15:24). So, observe the Month of Abib means to count the Month of Abib in terms of 7 times 7 years means 606 Synodic Months = 588 Tropical Months = 17,896 days (Deut. 16:1, 17:1-13; Luke 19:27; 2 Cor. 4:1-4; 12:18, 13:8; Acts 15:24; 1 John 2:19-27 = Ezekiel 3:20; 1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Thess. 2:10-12; Deut. 13:1-5). 509th Land Sabbath = 9th Apr., CE 2024 to 29th Mar., AD 2025. Please study under WERE LORD JESUS CHRIST, LORD RAMA, AND LORD KRISHNA BORN SCIENTIFICALLY OR NOT? OR YAHWEH’S CLOCK and for the complete picture of New Moons, For, the complete picture –  DOWNLOAD FILE

Restoration of The Tent of David


Yahweh’s Clock gives 100% accurate Days, Phases of the Moon, Seasons, Years, Sabbatical Years, Jubilee Years, Years of Tithe, and Extra Months from Tuesday 6 PM on 23rd February 4234 BCE to CE 2136.


Jewish History

Yahweh’s Book recorded accurate History from the very first man (Adam) to CE 3136. You can find Jewish and World History. 4 Empires, Emperors, and list of Popes are given. The Jewish Messiah was Baptized in the 15th Year of Tiberius Caesar is proved in this History.MORE


Ugadi is calculated according to 30 – The year Cycle and the Hindu 60 – Year Cycle. Ugadi is calculated according to NASA’S 60 – Year Cycle and Jewish 1st Abib is calculated according to Yahweh’s Formula (49 – Year Cycle). You can realize.


YAHWEH Determined This Formula.

According to Yahweh’s Universal Luni Solar Calendar Formula (49 Years – Leviticus 25:8-9), The Jewish Messiah was born at 9 PM on Wednesday 10th November 1 BCE. The Jewish Messiah was Crucified at 9 AM on Wednesday 13th May CE33. The Jewish Messiah was Resurrected before 6 PM on Saturday 16th May CE 33 (Acts 4:27-28).
According to Yahweh’s Formula, accurate nights, daytimes, Phases of the Moon, Seasons, Years, Sabbatical Years, Jubilee Years, Years of Tithe, and Extra Months occur (Genesis 1:13-19; Leviticus 25:8-9; Jeremiah 33:19-26). So, on the Horizon, the Day begins at 6 PM and ends at 6 PM (Genesis 18:14; Isaiah 48:13; Job 38:30-33; Psalms 104:19; John 11:9).

Festivals Of YAHWEH-1948

Independence Day of Israel = Not 5th Zif but the 6th Sivan = From 6 PM on 13th May to 6 PM on 14th May according to Yahweh’s Luni Solar Calendar Formula (49 Years = 49 – Year Luni Solar Cycle= Lev. 25:8-9). Please study under YHWH’S clock.

Celebrate the beginning of the Month from 6 PM to the next 6 PM of the Roman date if YSM ends between 9 hours and 24 hours. Celebrate the beginning of the month from 6 PM on the previous Roman date If YSM ends between 0 hours and 9 hours (Num. 10:10; 28:11-15; Deut. 11:12; Neh. 8:1-13; Mark 15:25; Acts 2:14-16). More or less than Yahweh’s Day (86,400 seconds), more or less than YSM (29.53135314 days), and more or less than YTY (Yahweh’s Tropical Year = 365.2244898 days) didn’t give accurate Nights, Daytimes, Phases of the Moon, Seasons, Sabbatical Years, Jubilee Years, Years of Tithe, and Extra Months from 4234 BCE to CE 2136. The Universal Time and Phases of the Moon begin from Israel as “Il.ST – h m s” at 35°E Jerusalem. I disproved the Phases of the Moon calculated by NASA/IAU/Hindu Panchang. “UT ± h m s” is true if the Earth is stopped. For proof, please study under “Search and Find” page on our website. So, Yahweh’s Formula (49 – Year Cycle = Leviticus 25:8-9) proved that the Creator is Yahweh.



Formula of 60 – Year Cycle: 60 YEARS = 60 Luni Solar Years = 60 – Year Luni Solar Cycle = 742 Hindu Synodic Months = 720 Hindu Tropical Months = 60 – Year Tropical Cycle = 60 Hindu Tropical Years =
21,912 days. This formula is determined by Brahma according to Hindu Religious Books or determined by Hindu Panchang Writers.

Hindu Synodic Month = Days per 60–Year Luni Solar Cycle ÷ Months completed per 60–Year Luni Solar Cycle.
Hindu Synodic Month = 21,912 days ÷ 742 = 29.5309973 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 38.1671159 seconds).
Hindu Tropical Year = Days per 60–Year Tropical Cycle ÷ 60 = 21,912 days ÷ 60 = 365.2 days (365 days, 4 hours, and 48 minutes).

Research: Hindu Synodic Month didn’t give accurate Phases of the Moon, Seasons, and Ugadi between 4234 BCE and CE 2137 or CE 4000. For the proof, please study under HINUD PUZZLE SOLVED BY ME or CHALLENGE under Search and Find on

The formula of 30 – Year Cycle: 30 YEARS = 30 Luni Solar Years = 30 – Year Luni Solar Cycle = 371 Hindu Synodic Months = 360 Hindu Tropical Months = 30–Year Tropical Cycle = 30 Hindu Tropical Years = 10,956 days. Hindu Panchang Writers or Hindu Religious astronomers didn’t realize that the 30 – Year Luni Solar Cycle is repeated in the 60 – Year Luni Solar Cycle to this very day. That is Panchang Writers are beguiling Hindus under the veil of the Creator or gods or goddesses.

Hindu Synodic Month = Days per 30–Year Luni Solar Cycle ÷ Months completed per 30–Year Luni Solar Cycle.
Hindu Synodic Month = 10,956 days ÷ 371 = 29.5309973 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 38.1671159 seconds).
Hindu Tropical Year = Days per 30–Year Tropical Cycle ÷ Years per 30-Year Cycle = 10,956 days ÷ 30 = 365.2 days (365 days, 4 hours, and 48 minutes).

Ugadi occurred on 29th June 46 BCE according to the Hindu 60-Year Cycle, Ugadi occurred on 09th July 46 BCE according to NASA 60-Year Cycle, and Jewish Religious New Year (1st Abib) occurred on 22nd April 46 BCE according to Yahweh’s 49-Year Cycle. So, Ugadi didn’t occur at the right season in 46 BCE according to Hindu Calendar and NASA’S or IAU’S Synodic Month but 1st Abib occurred at the right Season according to Yahweh’s 49–Year Luni Solar Cycle. So trees flowered in April when Julian CALENDAR is proved according to Yahweh’s Formula. For the proof, please see the 997th page under CHALLENGEon The true Creator is proved by the true Calendar. To find the true Religion with the help of the true Calendar

Note: Ugadi occurred in June when the Jewish Messiah was crucified in CE 33 but the 1st Abib (Jewish New Year) occurred in the flowering time in April CE 33. For proof, please study on the 1015th page under “CHALLENGE” on our website. You can study on the 789th page under “YAHWEH’S CLOCK” also

         Research: This is the time to research to discover the actual Creator with the help of the Creator’s Luni Solar Calendar Formula. Brahma is not proven as the Actual Creator because 30 – Year Luni Solar Cycle is repeated in the 60 – Year Luni Solar Cycle. Moreover, the 60 – Year Luni Solar Cycle didn’t give accurate Phases of the Moon, Seasons, and New Year. Yahweh is proved as the actual Creator because Yahweh’s Luni Solar Calendar Formula (49 YEARS = 49 – Year Luni Solar Cycle = Leviticus 25:8-9) gives accurate nights, daytimes, Phases of the Moon, Seasons, and New Years from the date of the Creation of the Sun, Moon, and stars to this very day

Hindu Puzzle Solved by Me (4234 BCE to CE 2137): GET FILE

Challenge (Hindu, NASA DATA, and Yahweh’s Calendar from the beginning): GET FILE

0boc Formula 3a1: Bhogi on 13th January and Independence Day of India according to Hindu Tropical Year (365.2 days) : GET FILE

0boc Formula 3a2: Bhogi on 14th January and Independence Day of India according to Gregorian Tropical Year (365.2425 days) : GET FILE

0b0. Omega – 1. Purva Siddhanta Panchangam according to Hindu 60–Year Luni Solar Cycle : GET FILE

0b0 . Omega – 2. Drik Siddhanta Panchangam according to Hindu 60 – Year Luni Solar Cycle ; GET FILE


Billions of Christians believed that the Sabbath (7th day of the Week), New Moons (1st day of Yahweh’s Months), Festivals and so on were abolished from the Law. But this was not true (Heb. 9:1-10). Yahweh abolished the sacrifices, death penalties, and some other handwriting only. Many writings of Saul are the stumbling blocks that kill spiritually (2 Pet. 3:15-17; Jer. 6:16-21). So, study now carefully to avoid confusion (Rom. 3:31; 11:13-22; 2:25-29; Gal. 2:14 etc.).

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49 Years is the Formula of YHWH’S Luni Solar Calendar – Lev. 25 : 8-9